Spirit Speakeasy
Like a seat at the table in a secret club but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. Come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world as I chat ‘insider style’ with profoundly gifted souls. We go deep, share juicy stories, laugh a lot, and it wouldn’t be a Speakeasy without great insider secrets! Plus solo episodes, just you and me, with psychic insights, inspiring chats & even sit in on mediumship readings! Hosted by Joyful Medium, Joy Giovanni (learn more about Joy across social media @joyfulmedium or on her website JoyfulMedium.com
Spirit Speakeasy
Unlocking the Secrets of Destiny, Karma, and Luck with Monika @GuruGrit
Have you ever wondered, “what’s the deal with destiny, karma and luck”? Monika of Guru Grit is back and we are delving deep into the mysteries of destiny, karma, and luck. Discover how the stars align to shape our paths, and uncover the surprising role of free will in manifesting our dreams. Monika shares her unique insights, blending ancient wisdom with modern perspectives, to reveal the intricate dance between the cosmic and the personal.
Plus, we go into details about the collective astrology chart of the USA and what destiny may lie ahead in 2025 and beyond. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity, purpose, and a touch of cosmic magic, in 2025 and beyond!
What you will learn:
- The difference between destiny, karma, luck, and fulfillment in astrology
- Where you can find details about YOUR destiny, karma and luck in your personal chart
- And where can we find Destiny in the “collective chart” for the USA for example
- Details about Destiny for the USA in 2025 based on the astrology
- The role of free will and personal responsibility in shaping your destiny
- Strategies for improving your "luck" based on the astrological influences in your chart
- Practical tips for maintaining a positive mindset and aligning your actions with your true self
- The importance of perspective and self-awareness in navigating life's challenges
Want to work with Monika and learn about the specifics of your own birth chart, including destiny, luck and so much more? Don’t miss this AMAZING discount code for Spirit Speakeasy listeners!
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Previous episode: Sept 2023 Episode 41: Are Your Stars Aligned? Astrology Secrets You Need to Know with Monika @GuruGrit
About Monika: Monika is a passionate astrologer and longtime student of the occult. She runs Guru Grit, a place for learning which aims to inspire and educate rather than propagate fear-based attitudes within spirituality. Energetic and curious, she reads as well as writes and teaches on many subject matters within the esoteric realm.
When she is not teaching or reading for her amazing clients, Monika busies herself spreading knowledge from her vintage book c
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hey, beautiful soul, welcome to spirit speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni, joyful medium. I'm a working psychic medium, energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. So come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world as I chat insider style with profoundly gifted souls, we go deep, share juicy stories, laugh a lot, and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips. You might even learn that you have some gifts of your own so step inside the spirit speakeasy. Hey, beautiful soul, welcome back, or welcome in to another episode of spirit speakeasy. I am so happy to be here with you today. I have a little bit of a funny story before we dive into this episode with Monica at guru grit that we're going to talk about destiny, karma and luck as it relates to astrology, and we're going to talk about how this conversation even came about. Monica has this amazing 30% discount code that she's created for Spirit speakeasy listeners. So make sure that you hang around to get that code. It's also linked in the show notes, wherever you're listening or watching this. My funny little story is Monica and I hopped on the call, and we're having so many tech issues. It was wild, and I have been having a lot of tech issues lately. Anyway, with tech not working the way it's supposed to, around me, just a strange little funny thing that's happening, and my laptop actually died at the end of our conversation, 0% battery. We had chatted a little before recording and chatted a little after recording. I just love this woman, so I'm always happy to speak with her, but my laptop died, so I couldn't come back in and record the intro and outro like I normally do. Well, that was two days ago yesterday, as I'm getting home from the office to hop on my laptop for more calls at home, I went into the restroom to kind of freshen up, and I realized a blood vessel in my eye has burst, so half my eye this just happened yesterday. I am in the next morning, so not even quite like maybe a day and a half after recording with with Monica. So for those of you watching on the video version of this, or seeing the episode clips. I look fine in the episode, but right now in this intro and outro, my eye is looking bloody. It doesn't hurt at all. It's totally fine. Nothing happened. So put your mind at ease. If you're seeing the video of this, everything's fine. You're gonna really love this conversation with Monica, though, because I know so many of us, at times, especially when we're going through something that feels really hard, you know, sometimes inclination can be to get a little woe is me to think like, do I just have bad luck? Or why? Why is my luck seeming never great? Or this idea of like, well, if there's this one pre planned destiny for me, someone needs to tell me what it is so I can get on that path, so all of my happiness will be sorted out. So these are some of the reasons why I really just wanted to sit down with Monica and understand, from her perspective, as a master astrologer, what does destiny and karma and luck look like in our astrological charts, as individuals and then also as communities, like our country, our global situation, and what can we know about that? So this conversation, hopefully will be really eye opening for you to understand your own free will and your own control in your own destiny and luck, and then also what is actually in your chart and what is part of what we come into this experience with as far as astrology is concerned. So without further ado, grab yourself a cup of something, because this is a long conversation, but a goodie, and you're gonna love hearing again from our friend Monica at guru grit. Hey, beautiful souls, welcome back, or welcome in for another episode of spirit speakeasy. We are having all of the crazy tech issues, all of the fun mishaps, and we haven't even started yet. I am really excited to share this conversation with you. We have a returning guest. I'm going to read her bio. This is Monica. Her business is corobrit.com Monica is a passionate astrologer and long time student of the occult. She runs guru grit, a place for learning which aims to inspire and educate, rather than propagate fear based attitudes within spirituality, we love that energetic and curious. She reads as well as she writes and teaches on many subject matters. I'm not reading this very well within the esoteric realm when she's not teaching or reading for her amazing clients, Monica busies herself, spreading knowledge from her vintage book collection, running, cooking, traveling, avoiding scratches from her greatest spiritual teacher, a mean cat named Mila. Well. Come in, Monica, I'm so happy to have you. Thank
you so much for having me again.
I love having you, and actually, I think of you all the time. So I want to let everyone in on how today's chat came about. I am just a patterns girl. I'm always noticing patterns and themes, and it helps me in my work and in my life as a human, human beings hard as we've been talking about. And I noticed this pattern of people when they're coming in for intuitive or psychic readings, really feeling like they're struggling in this area of finding their destiny or finding luck, like, Oh, why are these bad things always happening to me? Or is XYZ just going to be my luck in life, right? It's kind of, I mean, often when we're feeling, quote, unquote, down on our luck, we have that little bit of tough perspective sometimes, but it's I feel people struggling so much with like, if I could just find that job or partner or situation or whatever it is that's destined for me. Oh, my and, and I know that astrology speaks to this. It's not really the way I work, so that's why I'm excited to have this chat with you and really understand these ideas, like as they relate to astrology, because astrology does deal with destiny to a
degree, right to an extent. So the first thing would be, I have to say, when you said, you know, when I get this one, I get that, I'll be happy. I think we all watch too much MTV Cribs in the early 2000s and we think that there's something glamorous out there for everyone. And yes, there is something for everyone, but it's not going to look the same for everybody. So it's a mentality, for sure. It's like a very black and white thing. You know, if I get the degree in the house and the spouse and the car and the five vacations and whatever else, then I'll be happy. And everybody knows people like that actually, materially, do have everything, and they're not very happy, and they don't know why they're happy. So that's the first thing. It's the actual definition of desire. And then in astrology, there's two things. Yes, Destiny is a thing we will discuss, but also happiness. Some people are actually born to learn how to become happy. I realized as a child this is a skill I'm going to have to teach myself, because I couldn't understand why other 12 year olds were beaming and I was really melancholy and like sulky or a deep thinker, I like being alone, and so for men and women, it's measured differently, but you can see, you know, things like self esteem, confidence and propensity for happiness. So for me, in my instance, I'm just naturally like dark, you know, and I'm not resilient. I've had to teach myself to get over certain things and that that's normal. Life's not supposed to be easy all the time. Like food tastes better when you're hungry, but I just wouldn't hear it. Plus, I was young. You're not going to listen to anything, but you figure it out. So some people, they'll be happy with anything. You know, they could live under a bridge, but they're free. You don't tell them what to do. They don't care. They're happy. You know, they live in a small apartment. They're happy. That's just some place they go to hide from the winter weather. They're good enough for them, right? And then other people who could be born, similar to myself, it's never enough, because you don't have that stop. You have that filter to know when to stop. So it just depends. That's one thing. And then in terms of destiny, destiny itself can be measured. And there's a several ways to do this so and the thing about destiny is there's still an element where something has to be earned. I think that when we think of destiny, oftentimes we'll think, Oh, they're destined for stardom. They were destined to win the lottery. You know, they were destined to succeed, yes, but in the material, you know, if you're going to win the Nobel Prize for your research and biology or something, you still have to go to medical school. You're not going to quantum leap from your high school bedroom into, you know, superstardom in the scientific field, in the medical field, just because, like, it takes a lot of effort.
I'm excited. We're talking about conditions. I think are, I mean, I know you and I are both, like, get really frustrated when the words aren't right, but the definitions are so important, right? Because it's how we are. Are we defining success and happiness, and then how are we defining destiny? Does it mean this magical unfolding of something that's going to fix all your problems? It sounds like you're saying not so much. Is that what it means in astrology, kind of but this
is the thing in the doing of that. That is the magic. It's the process. It's not the end of the process. The process is the magical part, you know. And it's like, it's alchemy, it's inner alchemy. But a lot of people don't want to hear it, because they just don't, they don't, they don't like their circumstances. So they just want to go from here to here, and not acknowledge the middle portion, which, as we know, is impossible. Okay, so two questions, yes,
okay, I'm like, I don't want to do really, because I want to hear that too. But it's so fascinating because, as you're saying that for me, if I'm reading psychically for someone, and they, for example, are saying, what's the career I'm destined to do, I will tell them, from the way I understand right now, everyone knows. I'm always learning it doesn't work that way. Let me take a look at the core qualities of your soul who you are. What your soul wants to express in this lifetime, and as long as your work is fulfilling these qualities, likely you will feel fulfilled in this work, right? So as it relates to what you're just talking about, is it not so much like here's the key to this, like magical destiny, but here's the way you will find this path of fulfillment, pretty
much. So let's say it's a career thing. Okay? And the person has Venus on the 10th house cusp. So Venus governs healers. So if I said, you know, your moon is looking good, this, this, this, you should go into the field of healing. You have a capacity for that. But if you're adamant that you want to be a police officer, well, okay, try it. But and you can succeed, I don't know that you'll be fulfilled, because your natural inclination is towards nurturing or giving or something like this. Okay, so that's the same thing. It's like, I can see you have a strong capacity for something, but to get it, you have to actually work on it, you know. So sometimes people will say, like, but I really wanted to do this. And my mother wanted me to always go to medical school or something, you know. But I wanted to be a dancer, you know. And I think, well, you can, why can't you do both, you know, just have it as a hobby, or figure it out. So it's not black and white, it's and I feel clients that have lived a lot of life, and they come to you at a certain stage in life, or age in life, they're a lot more relaxed because they have a knowing, like a subconscious knowing, that even when it looks like it's not working out, it actually is, because they've failed enough times and succeeded enough times to kind of relax. And it's the truth, like when you pull back, things tend to come to you a lot more easily, which again, factors into the start about the health of the chart. Some people that are just a little bit more optimistic leaning, or they heal like Wolverine, like my sister's really lucky. She just, she's just kissed by God, I don't know. She's very lucky. And she doesn't have to worry about most things. They just kind of work out. But I'm very type A, I'm really high strung, so I've had to learn, the less you worry, it just fixes itself, you know. So it's a character thing, but also exactly capacity. You have a capacity for real estate. You should be a salesperson. You should be an author. You should be a teacher. I don't care what you teach, but get out there. That's what you're meant to do, you know? But
if you're seeing someone has like, you see that they have the capacity in their chart as a healer. Is it broad, for example, the way that could express in their life? Like, maybe they're a veterinarian and they heal with animals. Maybe they're, maybe they're like an energy healer and they heal with energy. Maybe they're, maybe they train healers and they're a doctor, but at the collegiate, you know, Professor level,
is that true?
Yes, it can be done. So your chart is really good example, because the eighth house is, you know, people call the house of death, but it's a house of transformation, which means that you its effects aren't necessarily seen, but they're felt. So things that can't be seen. So like, if someone had Mars in the eighth house, and Mars was their 10th ruler, then they should go into the oil industry. You extract it from the earth. You mine minerals. You mine gems. You know, Venus and Mars are together. You could be a jeweler. You could actually be mining. You know, you could be doing things like that. So it's energetic, it's deeply psychological. So people who have a strong eighth house, you have a very strong eighth house, not like a little, like a lot, you know, then those people, naturally, I would say, you know, even for your own well being, why don't you get some Reiki, go to a hypnotherapist, go to go see someone that can make you feel better, even if you don't understand those alternative methods. Which funny to say, alternative they've been around forever, but maybe since Atlantis. You know, this is the remnants of what's left over of that wisdom. But that can really help a person you know to explore different types of therapies, not just anything that's sort of put in front of them. They should do and it's the house of research. They should do their own research. So thinking of high level things with the masses. So your son is included in this, and the sun will and Saturn actually aspects as well. So the sun is like the king, a powerful leader, and a Saturn is the masses. So you could see, people will turn to you and say, I need your advice, you know. Or you could teach people. So the difference between like a physician who's a GP and someone who's staff of surgery and teaches, and they're not they do academics. They do research. You know is going to be the Giants. It's going to be sun, Saturn, Jupiter, should have some correspondence with that governing planet of that cusp. And then when they all kind of combine, you don't see that that's just a person who's successful, that's a person who has stamina, that's superhuman, and they function optimally. I mean, they are at like, 100 all the time, and they're going all the time, and that could be their destiny. But when something is destined, let's say the number one thing everybody has in their chart is the North Node. That's what they call like the soul pulls you there. So it's called Rahu in Vedic Astrology, and it's the head of a ghastly dragon. It's just the head, so there's no body. So he's insatiable, you know, he wants to devour life, and they say that if you kind of resist his pull and his urges, you'll be flung into what's familiar. You, so you will never really evolve. So even if something is destined or faded, you still have to work for it, if this makes sense, and if I may just give a little blurb, I think it was Daryl Anka who channels Bucha. Someone asked him about free will. Okay, he's Canadian born. Fun fact, I think he's in LA all his life. But he said, Well, think of destiny, something to the effect of like, there's a hallway and you're destined to walk down that hallway, so I'm paraphrasing it, but it doesn't matter if you walk, run, cartwheel, Skip, crawl, cry or laugh while you're doing it, but you're walking down that hallway like you can choose how to do it, but it's getting walked through because it's what your soul opted into. And a lot of people also, I think they believe, if something is destined or faded, it's a positive thing, like we are star crossed lovers, like Roman, Juliet, it's faded. I'm like, okay, it lasted three days and six people died. Nobody really watched that. Let's be honest, you could just have the love without all of that smoke. But um, so let's go over like fate, okay, Destiny. I'm European, I'm white, I have dark brown eyes, I have dark brown hair. I'm tall. Like those things are fixed karmas, they cannot change. That's what I chose in this life. You choose your parents. You choose those things. That's just what it is. Okay? I you can see, choose to grow my hair long. I choose to dye my hair. It's been every color, but artificial colors will get there. It's gonna happen. You know, I can choose what I do with that. You know, I'm tall, but I'll wear heels anywhere where you can wear flats, you can wear what you want. And now the other thing is free will. So there's an amazing astrologer that I learned a lot from by the name of Ernst Wilhelm, and he has this quote where he says, so that's fate, okay, 60 to 70% of your chart is predestined. All that stuff. I mentioned, my birthplace, your birth time, whatever. Okay, the 30% that's free will is God given, okay, God gave it to you. So the energy that creates everything in existence flows through you. That's how powerful it is, that 30% you can override the whole thing. So, and I know this to be true, there's a lady that does channeling, and she had her awakening in her mid or late 40s, and at this point she was already, you know, successful in the corporate world, had children, married her, I think, sweetheart from University, and she says when this was all revealed to her how, like the nature of our energetic universe actually works, she said she realized she had a soul contract with her soulmate, but married this other man. And she said, but I wouldn't change anything. I love my life. I love my husband. I'm in love with him. And she was laughing. It was like funny to her, so there's no consequence. It's like, you can't make a mistake, you know you don't like sever something, because you'll just come back around and do it again. So I think we need to give ourselves a little grace, more grace, a lot of grace, and give yourself a little break. You know, you're doing the best you can with what you have. And the point about the free will is really to teach yourself about your own sovereignty. You govern your life. You govern yourself. You are responsible for yourself. You are responsible for your life. No matter what's faded or destined, you can actually control how you feel about that and how you think about that, and in doing so, you alter the circumstances effectively,
which is, I guess, the coolest part of it. I want to go a little bit back to the North Node and talk about this some more, because everyone has this in their chart, right? This is something everyone can find. North suggests near the top, but I think it's somewhere different for everybody, right? This is where I'm very remedial. Oh,
yeah, it could be anywhere in the chart, because anywhere in their circle,
yes. So how do they figure out you cast someone has to cast your chart, or you cast it, right? Yeah, you
can cast it. There's like astro.com or astrome, like Free Chart generators just go, or vault of the heavens.com, cat, put in your birthday, the day, the month, the year, and the time that you were born. You need the time. And then as accurate as you can get it, because even 10 minutes can throw it off, and then you cast it so it can be in any of the 12 houses. And so the house will be indicative, and so will the sign and anything that sits with it. That's even more so
you're saying based on where someone's north node is, they kind of will feel pulled or drawn towards certain pursuits or interests or hobbies, sure, throughout their life or at different times, or it can show up. I mean, I always feel like all this is on a spectrum, and there's not very hard and fast answers. It's kind of like for some people earlier, for some people all the way through. Is that how it is? It can
be so mine is, I'm very much a loner, lone wolf. You know, I work best alone. And I jokingly say you can see it in some people, they just don't play well with others, not because they're mean. They're just much more effective when they do things on their own. And some people can, let's say, like north node and Libra or Aquarius. You are great in groups. You know, that's something you. Should be drawn to. So when you were saying about, let's say professions, for example, let's say the 10th ruler is in the fifth house with the North Node, well, you should work with children, you know. Or if they say, I want to write, I'll say, Well, you should write children's books, you know. You should illustrate something for young people. It'll be good for you, you know. If it was the opposite, which sometimes is the case, then that's when I say, you know you're gonna, if you're a business owner, you'll struggle to hire people, because everybody will be a subordinate, like they won't respect you, they won't listen to you. You need to hire people in your own age range and level of experience, because you might pay young people less, but you will, it will cost you in the end. You have to be mindful. So yes, the houses can indicate So, for example, I think, um, you'll see it in the charts of some people who are quite successful, like in politics, fame, whatever. But north node in the first house, the first house is you. It's your identity. It basically, you know your ascendant, a rising sign signaled to existence that you physically incarnated. You're here now. So that's a destined incarnation. So you're meant to feel like you're supposed to do something big, you know. And again, it's all perspective, because I have had clients who are very successful or have a profile, and they're like, yeah, yeah, you know. But the happiest people are the ones that I see a lot of Capricorn energy, and it's very stern, you know. And I say, You know what? People don't give Capricorns the credit they deserve. They're quite rebellious. I said, Did you break away like You're like a chain breaker or pattern breaker rebel? What did you do in your family that you broke away from? Were you the first person to move away, like go to university? They're like all of the above, like I left the town, I moved to the city. I'm the first person to go to college. I'm the first person to not do this or not get in trouble, or, you know, something, and that's huge. They broke that generational instinct. And that's not easy. That's because we know, like, spiritually, on the surface, anybody like, you know, people like, my job's hard. Look, it's 2024, everyone's busy and everything's hard, okay, but we all work. We all do something, but the inner work is really the juice of life. And those people, without any prompting or any guidance, they figure it out, you know, and they come out the other end into the light, and it's the most beautiful thing. So that, to me, is a very sweet form of destiny. And everybody has that. But there are others, you know, you could see something to the effect of a stellium, which is four or more planets in the same house. And I'm pretty strict. I don't include outer planets unless I'm doing mundane astrology, or unless it's really pushing up against a very prominent planet, like, like the moon. And if they had it like, you know, whatever, sun through Mars in the 10th house, or in the first house, in the seventh house, then you'll see, let's say, in the 10th or the seventh which can attract fame and a lot of attention. It's the House of Trade as well. Business. Foreign countries travel, maybe a person like that. I think Kim Kardashian has it in Libra. They don't. I'm using her as an example. It's really good example. You don't actually need us. You don't have to be good at anything. You'll just succeed. You know, of course, there's a price for it, still, like maybe through your nervous system or your reputation, or you sacrifice your sleep, you take a lot of risks your mental health, you know, but you will grab people's attention. You will be given jobs that you'd apply for, you know, you'll maybe take a vacation for free a couple times in your life, which is more than most people can say. So there are some things that are just kind of extraordinary, you know. And if you were born, yeah, six hours before or after would not be the case. So it's really not an accident, you know. So I
think someone like the example you just gave, like Kim K for example, I never talk about her, but so she got famous in the ways we all know in pop culture, but if her chart would be what it was hypothetically, and she decided, okay, instead of doing this path, the one we know about, she was gonna go build Habitat for Humanity and meet a humanitarian doctor, and Would she then naturally draw more success in that chosen occupation.
Yes, when a chart is strong, it really doesn't matter what the person turns their hand toward, yeah, they just figure it out. But it's really selective. So think about, say, like, you know you have a circular chart. Like, imagine you're holding, like, a tray, and there are only three points you can put that stellium and hold it comfortably. The other nine houses, they actually damages the chart because it's too much energy. So you have to, again, tell people the dreaded answer, which is, you have to do the inner work. And nobody wants to hear that really. They're like, Oh, man, I have to do more work. But it's good work. It's like journaling and meditating and praying and reading. You know, I don't think it's hard, but, yeah, it's something you have to come to terms with. Because, again, it's just taking it back to that mentality of, I want it and I want it now. In fact, I wanted it yesterday. I don't want to do anything to get it. Well, okay, you don't have to do anything on the external but you have to change, like you have to be the. Agent of Change for your life, because it can't change before you do. That's just the truth. But some people like myself, you see, they're very stubborn in
our own ways, right? Yeah. And I mean, sometimes I know you and I agree that sometimes there are things that just happen in this world, right? We're in a world of chaos, so also, things are being thrown at us constantly, and sometimes your car just breaks down, and it's nothing to do with the grand scheme of things. It's just things happen, right? That we're also dealing with. It sounds like part of what you're saying. I could be just making this up, but the person's destiny in their chart, even though it can express in different ways, isn't often leaning towards their natural personality or not always.
Usually it does. I think two people are usually aware on some level, but they can't, that's what I'm wondering. Yeah, they can't, like, really articulate it, or something like trying to think of a good example, you know, okay, say somebody ends up living abroad, you know? And they come back to me. Said, three years ago, you told me my luck would change if I moved abroad, and I thought you were nuts. I was nice about it. I told you some of what you said was nice, you know, or true, and then I met this wonderful person, and they lived in wherever we fell in love, and I'm getting married, and you're right, I don't live where I've always lived and know what I've always known. And I couldn't have like thought, but they said the life that you described, I have always known to be true, but they couldn't see the path to it somehow, right? So clearly, you know, you've been picked up and flung across the world, and now everything's worked out as it should, but sometimes we just need a little bit of guidance. You know, that's another one. You just need to be guided. But, and then luck you mentioned as well, yes, which is the ninth house. Ask
you really quick, is some of this just like being in action and making choices. And I know I want to talk about working on yourself too, because I know that's such an important part of like, if we can't get out of our own way to move to the other country to have the experience, the fear piece that I feel like is always underneath is like, one, I want to pre mitigate any discomfort. And two, like you said, I can't see the clear path there, which can't even begin to unfold until we are in action and working on our stuff. True.
So that's another thing you said just I don't know if you ever watched 30 rock, but there's a line Alec Baldwin when he's talking to Tina Fey's like lemon life is about minimizing regret, which I think is great for a Virgos ears, but really, most people, they live in the moment and they plan towards the future. So yes, I know it can be uncomfortable, but you can't achieve anything without actually doing something. So let's say the path isn't clear. You don't know where to go, how to make it work, but you have to busy yourself somehow. It really is about detachment and calming down your mind. So a friend of mine is a very good martial artist. She there's nothing she hasn't done, and she tells me she's like, you know, you read so much, you study so much, I bet you know, she said, like, all you need to do to like, win the lottery, because you're so mental, is step into the gym a few times a week. You just like box someone you know, that's interesting. She said, like you have to ground yourself in your body. But sometimes doers, they do so much they don't like pay attention to their feelings. And then some people are hysterical. They need to just read a book and be more mental. So it's always this energetic imbalance in the perception of yourself and your life, basically. And so that ties in with luck, because people think that being lucky is just something that's spontaneous and it's given to you. And this I find so funny, because let's say you take a really pretty girl and she goes to a house party and she's looking for love, but she's, you know, frantic and thinking and overthinking and, like, not really in the moment, and she meets five soul mates that night and still goes home alone, doesn't give anyone her number, or she does and doesn't pick up and blocks them all. Yeah. So I could say to her, You're so lucky. You met five nice boys. I don't meet five guys in 10 years. How do you meet five guys in one night? And she's like, Oh, no, no. I didn't mean anything. They all suck. It's like, you literally, you don't have the capacity to even detect your own fortune, right? So, and it does happen. You hear it on the news, people win. Like in Toronto, I think last week, there's a ticket sold for $65 million for context for American listeners, they don't tax lottery winnings,
so much money, and it's an unclaimed ticket.
So who's the lucky person, the person that bought it, or the people that are hearing about it going, Wow, what a lucky person. Meanwhile, no one's getting a cut of that pie. So,
oh my goodness, yeah. So a lot of it's perspective and personality and and what you do with it, yeah, the lens we're looking through, maybe, I mean, you know, I'm so Capricorn is over here that, like, that's my lens is, like, I need to be in action. I need to, like, what's my action steps? What can I do process, but it's, it's not, I don't think it's any of our favorite thing to do, but it does seem in every angle of this work, whether it's me and you talking or different practitioners I talk to, that seems to be this, like magic component that, I mean, it's not a microwave, right? It's a it's a slow cooker. But. That, that free will, contribution and working on ourselves, continuously ongoing. It seems to be the secret sauce. It is a celebrity. Yes, right? Yes,
because it's all it's all about your relationship to yourself. And if I can quote Abraham Hicks, one lady was asking about, I think, relationships, and they said, Do you want the secrets manifestation the thing that you want is almost never on the path of that thing. So, like, if you're looking for a husband or a wife, you're thinking, have to join singles clubs, have to look cute and go dancing. Take your mind off of that. Like, just again, join a running club craft, you know, learn how to repair cars. Like, take your mind off of that. You know, because you give yourself a break, as I was saying earlier, you give yourself some grace when you stop thinking about your problems, you know. And then, in fact, you're able to recognize how lucky you are. At the same time, you kind of like open up. You feel more broad, you know. But yeah, speaking of luck, everyone has one of these two. It's the ninth house and Jupiter. So that's
where we need to check is the ninth house and see what's all up in yours. To know, what's your what's your luck situation?
So if you have a malefic in the ninth house, you know, like Mars or the sun, that's very different from having something such as the moon, you know. So let's say it's the sun. A lot of people are like, Oh, but the sun is like, so serious, and it's hot, and he burns and he's scary. Well, then I would tell that person you should work in large corporations or a government institution, you'll be really lucky there, you know, so or if you want to be self employed, you know, you could have a lot of luck in those things. If it's something softer than just like, it'll come easier to them. Or if the planet that rules that sign is doing well, they'll be more predisposed to certain things than other people. But again, it's not like I think people want black and white answers. For sure they
do. That's why I keep pushing into them, because I know if I don't ask them, people are gonna be like, Well, you didn't ask and I'm like, Yeah, but I know that's not the answer. So like that, we have to
say these things, all roads lead to all the all roads lead to Rome. Pretty much it's always you. You're the answer to your own self. Basically, wherever you go, there you are, right? Like, yes, exactly. Oh, my God, yes, exactly. Yeah.
So you can, you can have the best luck and the best setup and the best skill set, but if we're not working on ourself, even if we move to the most abundant kingdom in all the land, yeah, you're not gonna like the food. It's gonna be so, yeah, there's gonna be something that you're like, I'm not having any luck and abundance here. See, when
I was in early 20s, I went to Italy, and I was so excited. I was like, traveling on my own for the first time. And I remember going to Rome, and it was just so crowded, it was so hot. I didn't have AC, you know, I was just so ready to go home. And I remember standing there looking at the Coliseum, which, in your head is a lot, you know, different than when you actually see in person. Ever thinking, wow, I can't believe I don't like it here. And I thought to myself, well, I don't know where else to go, because I criticize wherever I am, and I think I joke too hard. I was like, I'm gonna have to leave the planet, and I don't know where to send myself. I joke too hard because now Elon Musk is threatening to colonize Mars, and I'm thinking, Well, I don't want to go there either. You know, I just have to leave the solar system. But it's just about perspective. Now, I would love to go to Italy and be carefree in 22 you know,
yeah, with age comes wisdom. They say, you know exactly,
I would never complain again. You know, as long as I'm on vacation, it's fine.
Is that part of the turnaround? I mean, I know, we all know, like having a gratitude practice is important. It is how I shake myself out of a funk. I just I've traveled enough that I have a strong internal appreciation for, like, water that heats right up, that is long lasting, for showers, that is a good pressure, you know what I mean? Like those, I can go there and find enough gratitude to, like, turn my mood around. Is that I don't know is that part of the ingredients is kind of the perspective we're looking through in the moment when we're trying to figure these things out.
Well, astrologically, it can actually tell you. So, like, I mentioned myself, I don't I miss, I don't have any of that, you know, like I'm not resilient, I don't my I'm a glass, half empty person, naturally, so very critical and, like scrutinizing. So for me, it's a lot more, it just takes a lot more repetition. And so I think you know what, like I said earlier to you, I said a food tastes better when you're hungry, you know, but you don't like being hungry, but that's a thing. If you always every meal that you ate was the best meal you've ever had, you would never be really that blown away by anything. So it's all about contrast, and we live in a world of contrasts. And then for birth charts, I believe, you know, I sometimes I get, like, younger clients or people who are really excited about astrology, and they're like, I was playing around, and I just made the most perfect chart, and I want to give birth on that day in like, 15 years when I get married. I think that's wonderful, but there's no such thing as a perfect birth chart. Every planet can't be exalted at the same time, you know. And even if it was the person's gonna miss the best part of life, which is figuring things out on your own, like taking off, you know, energetically, when you get this new perspective, or you sharpen a spiritual skill, you feel like the training wheels come off and you're like, Oh, this is fun. Like, I'm in charge. I get to do this, you know. But. Can feel that way about your daily life, the earthly life, which I feel a lot of spiritual people like, but that's the mundane. That's the matrix. We have to break out. It's like, it's whatever you make it though you can make it wonderful. Oh
yeah. I mean great while you're here, right? Like, like, just because you're, yeah, just because you're in a matrix doesn't mean you can't look at the scenery. That's why I don't really like video games, because all I want to do is like, go around, look at the graphics. And I don't want anyone throwing anything.
Yes, I'm trying to admire this amazing work that I could never make. You know? I don't want to do exactly, yeah, hit with a battle ax or something, exactly. I
want to go back to luck a little bit. Is there anything we can do to kind of like, I don't know. What's your definition of luck? First of all, let me just, let's just start there. Luck
to me as Okay, I'm gonna give like the most
annoying. I just want to make sure we're talking from a similar place.
Luck, I think people feel is a spontaneous positive event. So to me, when someone thinks that they're lucky, or says they're lucky, and even I do it, I think you just haven't trained your mind, because it's actually something you could be lucky 100% of the time. If you scrutinize every thought you think you know, the ones you don't like, you banish the ones you like, you amplify, like Abraham Hicks says, you know, if you have 10 things going on in your life, and nine of them are crummy, they're problems. But one good thing, by paying attention to the one good thing, the other nine have no choice but to turn around and improve and so, but my mind is not optimistically leaning naturally, so I had to train that out of myself. Like a friend of mine, she was going through a really difficult divorce, and I was complaining about a bad first date, and she went, you know, pain is relative, so I'm not offended, but you have a tendency to be melancholy, like my ex husband. And she went, don't worry, we're gonna beat that out. Gonna beat that out of you. And I thought it was so funny at the time. It was like 10 years ago, but it's the best thing anyone's ever said to me, because you're not feeling like you're waiting on the sidelines of life to be offered a job, to be chosen by the perfect person, to wait for something good to happen to you. You know, you take control. But luck, astrologically, can kind of be measured in a way, you know, like I said, I look at my sister's chart, I'm like, This person is really emotionally resilient. They're touchy, they're a little bit, you know, sensitive, but they're lucky, because it balances it out that they get over hurts, you know, I don't for years, it's like, for sport, you know. But she like, I'm tough externally, but then I'm like, Oh, I can really hold on to stuff. So it's just perspective, but it can be measured, you know, like, so the big one is the ninth house and the planet Jupiter. So the big thing people ask is, like, I really want to be lucky. What can I do? Well, you would look to the planet of luck and see how he's doing. If he's weak. I'm so sorry. You might have to be vegetarian to turn it around. There are ways to fix it. If you want to,
okay. So you are saying your So, your friend that made the comment that, okay, you're a little melancholy, leaning, and we gotta, we gotta work this out. Was that your personal development, that you were like, Okay, how can i Is it through noticing that? Like, how did you work that out in yourself? If someone is noticing something in themselves, that they're like, oh, this trait is not helping me.
Yeah. So I've had to do this too. It happened to me twice, so once, when I was a lot younger, maybe like 19,
pretty good. It's happened a lot.
Twice. You're doing good, but no one
minced words. That's what it was. One person said something like, I said, You know what? This know what? This person said is wrong. I'm not letting it go. It was unethical, it was cruel, and I'm not going to tolerate it. And then they said, You know what? You can find something wrong about someone's actions at some point in your life, almost with every person, but you're going to be very isolated if you don't learn to like, let it go or forgive. But the thing is, I'm really emotionally intense, so I can't, like, have an acquaintance or halfway, like someone we're like, really close friends, or you're just, like a co worker. To me, you know, I just, like, don't really know what's going on in your life. And they were like, well, you need to, like, Cool your jets a little. And I was like, no, because they're wrong. It's like, look, everybody can be a little bit pissy and have a bad day. So I've had to learn to chill out a lot, you know. And, yeah, like, people say things they shouldn't do things they shouldn't. You don't have to take every single thing personally, you know. So I've learned that. And then when she said that to me, I was like, I had no idea. I just thought, um, you know, I was dwelling because I was sad, and that was allowed. And she was like, yeah, like, one afternoon is fine. It doesn't need to be, like, five days. And I thought, Oh, my God, this mother of two is going through her second divorce, and she's over here, shining, laughing, buying a new wardrobe. What have I got to be upset about? You know? So it like shook me, and I thought, well, thank thank God someone said something. Because, yeah, you get to choose happiness and choose joy, like it's the key to living a good life. So yeah, I've had to, like, teach my son looking at astrology. I thought that she was like, I am not born to be happy. I have to learn to be happy. So, and actually, I went to a wedding on Saturday, and the lady said he asked me, she goes, would it be a correct estimate to assume that you are a joyful person? You are, you're just full of joy. And I thought, thank you. But really, I'm thinking to myself, it took like, 20 years. Thank you so much. So. A long time.
That's such a good point because, well, first of all, your two people that mentioned that to you are giving very strong page of swords energy, very like truth delivered without tact, like hard truth that just sometimes is comes in in a messy way. But I guess we all have that ability, like each in our own lives, areas that we're noticing are just a little stickier, that we tend to be a little more I don't prickly. Is the word I like in there, or like things that are lighting us up? Like, Why am I always getting angry in traffic? Like, what is going on in me that I have no chill about this? Do you know what I mean? So I don't know. Would you agree that that's kind of the place, one of the places to look for someone that's like, Okay, I want to feel better overall. I want to focus on the things that are good, I want to work on myself. How do I start? For me, it's always like, like, just start noticing things
that's truly it just reflect you. Your experience in life is reflecting back to you what you are. So one of the things that's so funny is, you know, like, uh, apparently, like, the dating world is in flames. Okay? It's just like, going down and people are like, a lot of people aren't honest. They're not honorable, this and that and that used to just wind me up so much, like, back in the day, I'm gonna do the Can I get your number, I'll call you, and then they text you. They're like, hey, it's day from Friday. And I would sit there and go, but he said he'd call, like, to most people, they would think that's not a big deal. In my brain. I'm like, Well, you're a coward and a liar. And I would it would just annoy me, until I realized it was just a societal or, like, a massive generational thing or a cultural thing. But I, for my standard, did not never let it slide. I never let it slide, you know. And now that I'm older, I'm like, who cares? They are what they even if, even if, it was a cowardly move, who cares? I'm not the cowards. What does it matter? You know, but when you're young, brain or, like, when you're just so used to certain emotional patterns, you don't, it's hard. It's like, what do they say? Like, fish in a fish bowl. You don't even know you're a water so that's how I felt my whole life. I thought, like, I have a very, like, strict ethical code for many things, how I operate, you know, yeah, but I don't. You don't have to care, you know. And I would never react, but it would just, like, anger me. And I thought that's dumb, you know, because that person ultimately isn't mistreating you, they're mistreating themselves. So if they lost the chance to know you or to stay married to you, whatever the case may be, work with you, whatever, they missed out. So like, there's a trend on one of the apps where people are saying, no revenge, because hurting a good hearted person is your own fault. It's your own loss. And I'm like, Yeah, that's actually true. Just everyone relax, but yeah, everything in your experiences reflect, like road rage, for example. And the funny thing is, the more you heighten emotion when you react, the more likely it is to happen again and again. You starve it out, like they say, um, feed the faith and starve the fear. So if you're no such good advice. Oh
my god, right. So
if you say you want to be married, the last thing I would do as a single person wanting matrimony is go on like an app and start scrolling all like the hate content of the opposite gender. Yeah, don't be miserable. Don't
like, create more misery. Don't like, yeah, and it is to your point. I mean, it is about finding that balance. I have of like a little crew of single people over the years that often come to mind that I've either seen, like, periodically or on and off. And it's kind of like, yeah, there's certain things that are common sense, right? Like, you like, go outside. Like, probably I've I have one friend I always joke, and I'm like, it's probably not going to be your delivery man. Like, you got to go outside and find him. It's not like coming to your door. And also, what do you what energy are you bringing with you when you're going out there? Is it, you know, from that perspective of like, These people are all trash, and this isn't working, and there's no one for me. And what was me? Or is it? Oh, I'm so excited to see what today brings me, and maybe I'll make a new friend, and maybe I'll find a penny. And you know what I mean, it's, what perspective are we kind of moving in that world that's going to draw to us the same, right?
Exactly. I made a joke during a reading. I remember this lady. She's in her 40s. I said he's in the area, like the person you're going to marry. I said he might just knock on your door. Why do you go? And she's a faithful person. She prays a lot. So I said, just pray on it. A couple months later, she goes, I thought that was the funniest thing I ever heard. She goes, a man just knocked on my door. So what happened was, he was clean, cleaning the gutters, but he'd actually known her from years before, when she used to teach. So he would drop off his kids at her class. This is like 10 years or 12 years prior, right? And now they're both single. And she was like, and he just knocked on my door, like I had no idea who was coming. Like, she phoned for the service, you know. And she was like, how on earth it really can happen, but it's probably the probability is not so great. So she was doing all these other things too, yeah, exactly, exactly. She has, like, a very busy life employee. She's business owner. Takes care of her children, her parents, all that, but the going out and the energy, it's all your mindset. So one thing I don't like about online narratives is they'll say you're not going to meet anyone serious on Tinder. That's not true. I know lots of people got married off of Tinder and all the other apps, right? It's about, right? Yeah, so, and then they'll say you can't meet your wife at the club. It's a nightclub. No one takes yours. So. Says, What like growing up in the 90s and 2000s everybody met people at the club. That's normal. It's a social gathering. So, and I was talking to my neighbors across the street. She's got kids, she's married. I said, Where did you meet your husband? She was like, at the club. Like, where else? And I'm like, yeah, it's young people socializing with other young people who are also presumably unwed. Like, it makes perfect statistical sense, this is the most probable place a party. Will you meet other people? It doesn't have also layering
in that discernment, right? Yes, it's not everybody who's at the club. For sure, some of them are like, immediately disqualified. Some of them like, we're still looking for the same in this example, qualities or characteristics or integrity of a human that way.
Yes, but all the surface stuff comes up, they'll be like, well, I want a person who's really, you know, faithful and calm and cares for me and this and that, I said, Okay, well, join some clubs at your church to go. I don't go to church. I don't believe in that. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Sorry if clubs not good enough people are, yeah, you know, you just, you just described a family person who's traditional and very faithful. You want to go and that, like, this is, like, common sense, no, like, no, but it's like, I don't know what to tell you, you know, yeah, people don't get approached as much as they used to, like, pre lockdown and all that stuff. So we've just got to have that energy. We've got to send that signal out into existence that we are looking for a new job. We're looking for a better medical report, but it's you. You have to signal that to existence. And honestly, some of the best advice I can give is to be bold. Like, really demand what you want from life. Don't ask permission. I think, like, astrology is a good one, because, and what you do, because, I think people come to you for permission. Like, do you think I'll succeed? You know, it's like, what do you think? Which is, you know, I'm scared to say face to face like a slap, but I'm like, What do you think? Do you think you'll succeed? You know, but truly give yourself permission to think of yourself as someone who matters, who deserves good things. Such a valid
point. One of the things that so early in my work, I worked so hard on personally. That I always give to people is just the just for them to sit with the question, whose permission do you need to make that decision? Because a lot of times we don't realize we're reaching for like a parent's permission, or a, I don't know, some someone outside of us to say it's so it's not our fault, so that discomfort is not going to befall us. And if it does, it won't be our fault. Do you know what I mean? So that's such an important aspect of it is like you have the permission to make a choice, and then if you don't like the results, you can choose again or see what that choice leads to with the whole, you know, everything we've been talking about, the destiny and the free will and all of that, it's sometimes we need to it might not show up in such a linear way, like sometimes these choices that we're making today to, like, move house and find a new grocery store in a church, whatever, in two years that might lead to that. You know, thing that you're hoping comes to fruition. And the other thing I would love for you to touch into I struggle with this one back and forth, this non attachment to the outcome, because we all, I mean, if you're a follower of Abraham Hicks, like a lot of us are, we know we're not supposed to be attached to like, how the thing shows up, right? And I think that's where it gets sticky, is a lot of people either are unhappy with the options or the thing didn't show up, or turn out like we thought we wanted it, and now we've done this 10 years with schooling, or whatever it is.
Oh yes, that's painful. It happens. Yeah. So non attached. We'll talk about non attachment. But I also want to mention for advice, because you said, like, prediction. So let's say I do have a client who really wants to meet a partner, and I see in their chart they will meet their partner through something fun, such as a hobby or a party, but they don't party. And so I I'm telling them, What hobby do you have? And they'll say, I don't want a hobby. I don't do anything. So okay, so how are you going to meet someone? Because I'm telling you, it sounds crazy, but it's like your soul chose this. So you're technically asking yourself for permission, and you're refusing to get it or take it, which I understand, because I'm heavily conditioned by this, you know. Like when we're young, we listen to our parents, then we listen to our teachers, then we start working, we listen to our bosses. It's almost like the ability to think everybody, yeah, yeah. Like you're not sovereign, you know. So I said to them, you have to do something fun. I know that sounds too good to be true, because most people would love to meet someone that they're going to marry doing something fun, and most of them don't like maybe they're at work, or maybe it's tragic, you know? I'm like, you're one of the lucky ones, but they're just, they just don't want, they did. They don't do it, you know? So I'm like, I don't know. I can't do it for I can't I'm sorry. I can't breathe for you. I can't, you know, no one can. So you've got to, like, be responsible for whatever the fallout of that really is, and take a court action accordingly. And so as Abraham Hicks said, like the thing that you want is almost never on the path of that thing. I would just distract myself, truly, like I said, I'm a very mental person, so doing something physical takes me out of my head, and it feels relaxing. You know? And if you're a doer, taking a nap, getting a massage, walking your dog, well, just go, you know, when's the last time anyone just went to go watch a sunset or just sit outside? You know? It's like we just always so busy and so fast moving. So distract yourself with something that's pleasing to you and take your mind off of that, you know, yeah. So, for example, say you're getting again you want to get married. You're getting ready to go to someone's wedding instead of already dreading, like, I don't have a plus one. It's so awkward. It's another year. Just start getting excited. Okay, get to meet new people. I get to be happy for these for this couple. It's a new place. It's something refreshing. You just have to alter that mentality. But I do find in the modern age, we are before anything else. We're consumers. We consume more media, news, things that I go why is this news? You know, images, advertisements, um, social norms are changing a lot faster than they ever have in our the history of our civilization that we almost consume by default, on autopilot. So if we really want something, I feel that we were trained, because of so many like ads and entertainment, to just want it like and ceaselessly and incessantly. And that's the worst thing that you could do. You pretty much scared away with your desperation and your intensity, and not everything can handle that, right? It's almost like it has a stench, like your thoughts are just so heavy that just distract yourself with something else, you know, like, I don't play Scrabble or, yeah, get a cat, I don't know, do something else.
I feel like I just said this to someone recently, the the gal in your example, like it doesn't have to be something that's fun to everybody or on TV, it just has to be something that's fun to you. Like, what's like, what's fun to you? It could be a book club, if that's what's fun to you. Like, it doesn't have to be a party, you know what? I
mean exactly, just anything that's fun for you, which is the best. Like, I wish I had that in my chart. Be like, oh, I don't have to struggle. I just have to have fun. That's awesome. But some people can't even give themselves permission to have fun. They feel they have to earn love, which is sad. You don't have to earn love. You have it just by virtue of the fact that you exist. You know? Well, I
think we can get, I mean, I've noticed it in in, I don't know, everywhere we can get so hyper focused on that one thing that we have decided is missing, right? So when I coach people around those that want a relationship. It's like, okay, well, you know, you're hearing the primary concerns, I'm lonely, I'm and it's like, well, why aren't you getting filled up in your other relationships so that you're not lonely? Like, why are, why are you having a hard time spending alone? Like, let's look at, let's look at these factors and see what's happening here. Because just because you're not partnered doesn't mean you have to feel like loneliness or alone like that, doesn't those two things don't have to go together. So it's, I think it's such a good idea to kind of look at how are we feeling, and why are we feeling that way, and are we missing an opportunity to fill ourselves up in a different way, in a I mean, it's not necessarily distracting ourselves from that thing that we want. But it's, it's okay not getting so fixated on this direction and opening for alternate avenues of receiving. I guess
you know what works really well when you bring money into it. So wanting something like unrequited love is is thankless work, and it's, it hemorrhages your energy, gives you leaky aura. It's like, really, really, not good. So if you say to people, if you know, if you stop thinking about love, you'll find love which, you know, they roll their eyes, or they like, want to like, you know, insult you. So I think of it like this, would you ever in your right mind deposit $100 a day just, just throw it onto the sidewalk every day for years and years of your life, you'll say, No, that's stupid. That's what that is. You're not getting a return on your investment. You are spending your mental energy, your emotional energy, your heart centered energy, which is so precious and sacred, on something that isn't there. You know, put it into yourself, as you said, look and how lucky are you, as a human being, to actually be interesting? You know, you get to have interests. You get to have shows you prefer watching. Give yourself credit. Say like, oh, look, I woke up another day. First of all, thank God, you know. Secondly, I get to eat the food I like. I get to do the things I like. I have a skill I can make a living on that. I can earn a little on this. And then I get to buy more things I enjoy. I get to spoil my children or my nieces and nephews. You know, when you when you look at it that way, that you can take your love and spread it everywhere and fill your own cup. It's so beautiful. And that's a return on your investment all those relationships and all those things about you, really celebrating yourself. Even the skincare routine is a form of like self celebration, you know, good hygiene, yeah, absolutely. So romanticize, romanticize your daily life. Make it fun. They used to do that a lot. They used to have those, like, single women rom coms of the 90s. And they would do, like, the montages of the morning shower or, you know, making dinner, like whatever it was put on a little me. Music, cook your supper, let the smell waft through the house, light a candle, you know, enjoy yourself, enjoy your life, yeah,
yeah. And if you don't like that, make some friends and do it with them. And it's like there's options, even though we don't always like what we think are the only options. There's always, there's always options, always, yeah, might not be what we thought we wanted. So it's just this topic is just so interesting to me, the diving into the definition, yeah, and
it's even ties into things like karmas, you know, like people think that karma, it depends on the mentality, it depends on the culture, but it's like a modem of punishment. No one's punishing you. You feel punished. That's why you evoke evidence that you're punished or unlucky. But that's not it. It's just the it's just the law of cause and effect, and it's actually something you should be grateful for. You can learn a lot. I remember one client. I don't think she cared for me very much. She said she was single, she hated her job, knows she wanted to lose weight and look better and ever I mean, she named like, six or seven things that went wrong in her life, even though she's like my age, and she just linked it back. And she said, I'm sure my relationship with my mother is to blame for all of this. Can you tell me my karma with my mom, and she didn't have any bad karma with her mom? I looked at it any way I could, and I said, you know, but we're all different people, and your soul chose your parents like, what did you learn from that? Maybe, you know, if you left home early, it made you independent, it made you who you are. But I said, Sorry, like, I can't and then she emailed me really angrily. She's like, I know it's my mother. I said, you know, I don't know her. I don't know you that well, yeah, but isn't there another way that you could look at this? Because astrologically, I can't give you that answer. It's, it's, it would be a lie. I don't want to lie to you, yeah, you know. So I can't lie. I mean, I have had to tell many women they won't marry till they're like, 42 that was an easy that goes over well, you know, but I can't lie to you. Actually, it's, it's worse when someone's 22 and they're not going to get married by the time they're 25 but I was like that when I was 22 I was like 25 I'll be like old, because you know, and then here we are, many years later. I'm still unmarried. Might
not go that well for you, but you can. That's why I say yes. Sometimes
you can. It's not advisable, right? But it's like, I just, that's the karma thing. It's like you're punishing yourself. You're taking this, like, spiritual catch phrase of like, karma with your toxic parents, and you're effectively, you've hijacked, like, ruin your own life over some like, probably click bait nonsense, which, again, doesn't show up when your chart isn't real. And you could always tell when someone's had horrible relationships with their parents, because they're the happiest people. Number one, it's in the chart. Number two, they're like, I learned and I grew and I'm wise and I'm indestructible and I'm over it and I've done and they tend to have an urge to do better for their children and better for themselves. And again, if you have time to sit there and like, just hate on someone so intently, I do wonder, you know that energy again, it's not like it's not a criticism, but you could use it for something so you could build a really good life with the amount of mental like brain waves you're giving to that thing. You don't prefer. It doesn't make sense.
So true. And it's, you know, it's goes back to free will, I guess, that no matter what lot we're dealt in life, we have the choice of how to, you know, do we perceive it as another thing stacking up against me? Or do we perceive it as, Oh my gosh, I just learned so much from that I don't want, I mean, like, I don't want to do it that way again. Or I really loved that, or now I know what job I might like, because I definitely didn't like that one. Do you know what I mean? It's
yeah, like, I've had a lot of bully bosses who were honestly pretty incompetent, but they were really mean to me, which I never understood, because I was like, you hired me, you know? And that's one day I was like, Well, what am I going to do hate every job I have for the rest of my life, or trade on a skill and become self employed, you know. So I was like, well, there you go. You can choose that feels very empowering, like, you know, or whatever the case may be. Again, like putting that love into the world and expecting it to come back in a beautiful way, rather than waiting for someone to put your love into you could just put your love anywhere, you know,
and it sounds like nobody's destiny in any modality is that everything's just going to be comfy on that lazy river, wonderful, no challenges, no sadness, no discomfort. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's why we come into this human experience, because we have the perfect version somewhere else. So it's like, I think we I think we all have that, right? Like, that's our lot, for all of us,
isn't they say, like, the person you marry isn't the same person that you divorce. So it's like, you don't really know anyone until you see what they're like when they're mad, and if they have coping skills for stress, for self soothing. So it actually shows you how many dimensions an individual psychology can possess, and that's really favorable, because if you can handle yourself, if you have composure, if you can endure through tough times, they say smooth C's never made a skilled sailor, it gives more cause for celebration. And the most successful people I've met have said success is easy. It's actually boring. You get like, you get used to it like it loses its effect. But they said, like failures fall. One, because I always learn something. And when I heard this, I was a pro grad student, I was like, Oh, shut up. Easy for you to say you're loaded, you know, but I would now I get it. I'm just like, yeah, because it's once you figure out success. And they say, like, the hardest thing to do is earn your first 100,000 or first million dollars. This is just what I've heard. Like even abraham hicks has said that, and then they said, but once you figure it out. It's just easier to earn the rest, could you? But you have to break through that ceiling that's like that mental limit. And the same goes for love. You think that love can only come from a romantic relationship, or it can only come in this way, and this is the type of love that you crave, not to feel lonely. Then you have to broaden your definition. But that's the fun part, because you're going to end up surprising yourself in the most beautiful way, you know, oh
my gosh. Just think of how much, even when times are hard, we pick up so many nuggets of wisdom and so many those micro, those beautiful, micro experiences of thinking of a conversation I had recently with a gentleman who had lost his son, and he was talking about all these profound moments of perspective that his son in his early 20s had at the the final part of his illness, and like those micro moments of beauty and connection, and we'll miss it all if we're only focused on the prize right at the end. So true.
And again, I also think children are better teachers as well. Like I've spent time with my sister's children, and they point things out that you would never understand or see, and so they don't lie as much. So, you know, yeah,
I think it's if we're willing. I mean, my kids still teach me all the time if I'm willing to get over myself and listen to what they're saying. Like, I
really believe being a parent is a gift. Like, I think a child is a gift for that reason. So I'm I don't think there's also anything worse than losing a child, in my opinion, but I can't even imagine you. I don't want to even we shouldn't imagine we're delete, delete that thought, Yeah, but how wonderful of that gentleman to be so gracious and so poised and so profoundly wise and honestly in the language that you were using when he was talking, you're telling us now, the nuggets of wisdom. It's like he's speaking love, you know? He's
like, totally Yeah. He wrote a book, he was on the podcast. Oh, okay, well, it's all about this. So it's like, it's Yeah, and he would have missed that whole you know? And again, it's these, are the things that just happen in life, right? Like, it's this. We all go through terrible times and bad things happen, but it's yes, we can focus on that, and that's a part of it, of course, but we have these other options and things we can focus on, and we'll miss it if we don't. It's
just mental training, truly. It's just like extensive mental reflection and training. Yeah, the training wheels have to come off one day eventually.
So true, yeah. And personal development, such a big, continuous part of it. I want to shift gears a little now. We know that we have our individual charts, right? That's what we've been talking about. But we also have charts for our countries and globally, right? Collective,
How does this work? Because, is it by the birthplace of birth time country? Like, how are we casting these? I don't understand. I never understand when they when people do them.
It's really fun. It's called mundane astrology. And actually, historically, let's say, like, where, 500 years ago in Europe, this was the most you know. Like, back then, you couldn't be anything reputable if you didn't know astrology could be like, taken seriously as a physician or as an advisor at the court. So mundane astrology is basically the astrology of places, okay, so countries and things like this. And then it would be horary astrology, which is Astrology of the hour. So it's the time that the astrologer receives the question. So you don't need the person's, you know, birth information, because back then as well, a lot of people maybe weren't literate or didn't have stable records, yeah, clocks, so most people didn't really know it. Maybe they were born in the spring or something like that. And then now in different
countries, it's documented in such a, like, a loose way, in some places still, yeah, I've met
people like that. They're like, I don't actually know when I was born, you know? Yeah. And I'm like, Wow, interesting. They're like, I think it's February. And I know a friend of mine, her father, he's born in July, but they don't they never kept a record, so he was never formally registered. So when he moved to Canada, he just chose December 13, even though they know he's like, a Leo or something, they're like, We don't care. Yeah, it's interesting. But then dead last was natal astrology, which was pretty much going to be for, I assume, like people who are more aristocratic or had, like, a family Bible with stable written record. And then now it's completely flipped, you know, now it's me, me, me, the individual top with natal astrology, then horary astrology, because you could just have a horary chart say, will I get a job? Will I get the apartment? Will I have a first date? Will he call? Will she come? Whatever. And then dead last is the collective but yes, so mundane astrology is basically that you cast the time and date at the moment the country was formed. So. So for the United States, it's going to be July 4 at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Okay? So you can cast a chart for the US. And so there are two disputed sort of times of when this signatory event took place, but the most common one will give the rising sign of Sagittarius. Okay, yeah, which is the sign of reaching too high and being overly optimistic, which I find really funny, because that means it's ruled by Jupiter. And when JUPITER is exalted in cancer, it's normally a good thing, unless it's a Sagittarius ascendant. And normally having a chart ruler exalted is like, it's a beautiful life, okay? It's perfect, but it can make the person so optimistic that they are kind of blind, you know, like, they will say, I'm gonna have my business is going well, I'm gonna open three more. And people say, you know, it's not a good time for the economy. Should wait till the spring, do more market research. Like, no. And they just, like, go for it, because they just have that joie de vivre. And then they bankrupt themselves. So, you know, they just can't, like, very American,
very brash and, like, rash.
But also, yeah, Sagittarius is, yeah, I like the optimism, actually. I like I have. Everyone always says Canadians are so nice. I've always found this I'm gonna get any trouble. But I found, always found Americans to be nicer, even when Mother would travel there for work, she's like, Americans are so nice. Like, Oh, interesting. They're just so upbeat, and they have, like, a more, even more open temperament, you know, it's easier, like, if I approached you in the street to ask for the time, I don't think you'd do this, you know, you'd just be like, yeah, so. And I remember, actually, there was an American professor that I had, and she said, one of my best friends, we met when her phone ran a battery and she was running late to meet her boyfriend, she asked to use my phone. And I went, what? And I said, I would never. She went, why? It's just another woman, like, my age. I just like, I would laugh. I'd be like, you think I'm dumb, trying to get Rob get on my face. I'd probably, like, fight her, you know? And she was like, You are rude. And I was like, I'm smart. Like, you're crazy. Just giving people your phone. I'd be like, No way. But yeah, she's, she's the normal one in this scenario, because clearly I'm very guarded. But yeah, Sagittarius is the rising sign. So it's like, effectively, what people notice about you first, or rather, like a characteristic embody, we'll put it like that, though it does have physical description. Okay, okay. And, I mean, funny enough, Sagittarius is very broad. It's very vast. And America is a massive country with a lot of variety. People always say Americans like they don't know anything about the world. I'm like, Have you been there? You've no reason to leave, like you can ski and somewhere like
50 countries in one country, exactly.
It's got variety. And Sagittarius is a sign of cultures. There's a lot of linguistic and what are they called? Like, not accent dialectic differences and things like this food culture in America. But also, Sagittarius is freedom seeking, raw you know, the eagle. So I'm like, Yes, it's very freedom seeking country. Spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurship is very much alive and well. And so when Jupiter in the eighth house, and also, I think, you know, you have sun there as well, it's a cancer, and that's hidden things. So no one really knows how it operates or why, but it does as
well. And there's so many layers, which is very Cancerian, yes. So the chart of the US, for example, or Canada, or any country you should so choose to look at it. It's representing that country as if it was a person being of itself. Yes. Okay, so it's looking at the things that are intrinsic and happening to and with that country as a unit, right as a whole.
So, yes, you can see in the in the chart of the states, interesting things like this is interesting. It's, it's, you're gonna like this. It's moon in Aquarius. And so I would say, you know, a lot of people like from the outside, are like, streets are paved with gold. It's a great place to live. There's opportunity in America. You can make a life for yourself. But moon in Aquarius isn't very comfortable, and the third house is really harsh, and the moon is going to symbolize the demographics, or the people. So Americans, I feel, are very fortunate. They can scrutinize their own government. You know, they can't, and the third house is communication, and they do, and they they have this ability to kind of, um, assess and analyze very Aquarian manner you have academics criticizing a legal system, journalism, like, whatever else you know. And I'm like, wow, it's like, so funny to me from the outside looking in. I'm just like, that's really cool, because a lot of places you can't do stuff like that. I'm not saying true it's bad or good, but it's just you're able to exercise certain personal freedoms, yeah. So if I looked at that chart, I see, oh, that's really cool. And there's some something else you can do if you want. It's kind of fun. You can run, like, compatibility between yourself individually in a place you know, so interesting.
That's so cool. So like, if you were thinking of moving to somewhere else, you could check Yeah, your home country and that country you're wanting to go to and see, yes,
so, like, okay, so Canada, for me, it's okay. Like, at best, I have to work 10 times harder to get anywhere. Like, you know, I have to endeavor a lot more. It's not doesn't make sense, you know? It defies logic, yeah, but when I lived abroad, everything fell. Into my lap, like, within less than two months of moving there, someone met me, and they were, like, they invented a position and gave me a job I didn't even apply for. That's unheard of, you know, and I met someone, and I ended up partnering with them, and I was, like, a girl was single for like, five years, so it just, like, just falls out of nowhere. So you can kind of, and that's, um, some people like it, relocation, astrology, and some people give this a lot of weight. I want to make something very clear, if you're thinking about it, it's totally fine. However, please note, no matter where you move, you don't escape your karmas. It might alter how they look. It might alter some of the effect. But like I said earlier, you're walking down that hallway. It's your destiny. You're not getting away any of your problems whatsoever. They
just looked away. Yeah, well, yeah, in a different currency, yes, yes.
And some places you should avoid, like, if, let's say, a country has like, three or four planets, and they would fall into your 12th house, or vice versa, then you would effectively go there and not get anywhere. Like, you would lose a lot of money, you would lose a lot of time, a lot of energy. You shouldn't go there. You should go somewhere else.
These are all the kinds of things that when people are asking me, because I can see the general energy and as it relates to that person, if they're, for example, considering two jobs, I could energetically take a look at those companies and tell the vibe of the leadership, the current plans moving forward that might change. But with astrology, it sounds like there's so many things happening. So if we're looking at ourselves versus like, looking at the country, for example, looking at ourselves, we might see, gave the example earlier, of like, oh, this person definitely needs to be a doctor and a teacher, and they're a very high level, high achieving person. If we're looking at a country, are there pretty clearly, some things we like should be doing, and is that where free will then comes in, and we have to, collectively, all want to move towards being a teacher and a doctor? Does that make sense the way I'm saying it out of my face, I'm like, processing it as I'm saying it. So use
these, the states as an example. So because, okay, eighth house is very covert. Nothing about America is what it seems. You know, the way that it operates. It's almost like a facade or something like that. So feels very true. Well, the eighth house is things like secrets. Yeah, they trade on secrets, you know, and that's fine. What politician is honest? Let's be honest. Be serious. What government is perfect? No, because they're human. They're run by humans. They're flawed. But So speaking of change, and how you would enjoy, let's say, living in the United States, if you're one of the what is 350, or so, maybe more million people now, yeah, it's going to be an eighth house thing. So you're going to have to do it energetically. You're going to have to change your psychology and change your spirituality to affect change. It's not going to be external, you know, if it was something like in the 10th or the seventh or the first house, then it could be like, Let's gather, let's sit in the park and tell stories and hold hands, you know, or something. But this is very much like individual you have to change the mass consciousness. There's something in the consciousness that's very unstable, like the eighth house is really unpredictable. So I would say, Well, if you want to enjoy your life there, and you're currently not happy with it, it really is. It's going to sound corny, but it is very like Kumbaya, like you have to meditate every morning, not take things personally, and you are the one affecting change. Okay, you think you are because you can't see it, but you are. You know, you are a part of the greater whole, and it does make a difference. So for the state specifically, it's not an action thing, which is so funny, because America does identify with powerful action. Like, it's a huge, it's the greatest military in the world, isn't it? Yes,
like, think of every movie from the 80s,
men in ripped little tank tops. What we
want to identify with, yeah,
big muscles and get them. But yeah, very much. A deep, like, psychological thing there.
So that's so interesting. And actually, I thought about this when we were talking earlier, too. There's for me, there's kind of these, I don't know, cliche sayings that we've all heard that through my own practices and practices that any of us can have kind of clicked in. I know it's a Buddhist saying anger is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. So it's through meditation and stuff that I really started to see, oh, this is how every action and behavior and interaction creates this huge ripple. I kind of didn't, I mean, I know, like, yeah, you're nice to someone, and then they're nice to their boss and they're nice to their kid and the whole thing. But I hadn't really, it just hadn't really clicked in in the same way for me. Does that make sense the way I'm saying? It like, I think the ripple is highly, highly underrated and under noticed. It really is.
I'm like, You. I used to think that I was like, Well, I'm gonna do the good thing just because that's the thing to do. I don't question it, you know, yeah. But then when someone makes you mad, you're like, No, no. Gloves off, you know? Because I can be nice as long as everything's. I feel like it, you know, but if you're rude to me, then it's just like, No, I'm gonna defend myself, you know. So suddenly there's also boundaries. Yeah, there's fair enough boundaries. Yeah. So I suppose I'm big follower of the teachings of Yeshua Ben Yusuf, so Jesus Christ, and he did only emphasize two of the original of the tablets 10 Commandments that were given to us. So I think those are the most popular ones. But the, you know, there's, there's one God, basically, and then is due unto others, as you would have them do unto you, because you are one. You really are one. It doesn't, you know. So Eloise hay had this thing where she was talking about wealth, and she says, you know, she's trying to change poverty consciousness in this recording. And she said, like, I once borrowed a paper took a paper clip for my job, because I thought, What's the big deal? Like, it's a paper clip. And she I don't know what it was, but maybe, like, $300 she said the check was on the way to her in the mail for that amount, and it got lost, and she never got the money. And she said that was a painful lesson, but I learned never to take something that's not mine, you know. And I think about that, like, Yeah, you don't see how a paper clip could be valued at 300 or whatever, dollars, but it's the principle. It's the principle, don't be cheap minded. Don't be cheap in your spirit. Like, I talked about that a lot on on tick tock. I was like, you know, I don't like cheap people. I don't like being friends with them. I definitely don't date them. Because if you're cheap with one thing, you'll be cheap with everything. How to do everything. Yeah, they'll be like, well, I kissed you first yesterday. You should kiss me first today. Like, this is life, emotional tally, yeah, yes. Like, tit for tat. It's just like, this is unhealthy. I can't, I can't be with someone with such a different consciousness. And that's another thing with, like, the frustration of the growing gap between the wealth like, the wealth gap, yeah, it's like to eat the rich, and they should. That's a consciousness problem. I don't envy these people. I don't know. Yeah, I don't care what they do. I'm concerned with my life and my business, like, I know I'm gonna get what's mine. I don't care about you. Of course, there's an element of physical survival, but ultimately, like, again, by being jealous of them or hateful or something, when you do succeed, you're gonna get the evil eye, like crazy, because that's what you've been putting out, and that's the truth. So it's just not worth it in the end. Like you just kind of get over it and you emotionally burn out. Because I used to get really wound up and just thinking about what's right and wrong, like, very black and white. Like, it's not fair, it's wrong. I don't care about those people. But in principle, this is stupid. Like, if anyone goes to university, you should have a job waiting for you. That's, that's just smart, you know. And they're like, depends what you study, depends depends on nothing. That means your government failed to plan for your economy. Okay, you should be mad, but now that I'm older, I'm like, You couldn't pay me to get angry at anything was just not worth my my nervous system getting French braided, you know?
Well, and then there's that other
pop psychology idea of like, well, if I was in their shoes, I would be them like you would make, you would make that choice. You know what I mean? It's like, we're we only can do our best from our perspective. So if we were in someone else's shoes, we might make the same decision as them, even though we're like, why are they doing that with no promise on the other end. You know what? I mean, it's like. So we got to get everyone on the same page all at once. It sounds like
it's truly hard and make peace. And it is hard, but it's good work. It's good inner work. It's productive. Oh,
yeah. And not that we're doing things only for results, because that also doesn't work. But there is a lovely byproduct, like, you don't know this, but one thing I've been working on this calendar year in my own life, I just decided, you know, I'm single and loving my life, and I just decided I'm going to be really intentional about creating and cultivating the garden of my relationships and intentionally choosing not just letting myself get, you know, have Poor boundaries and get convinced to do something for someone, or because I'm a giver or whatever, but intentionally, if I'm going to do an event, it's because I want to be doing that. If I am going to go see a friend, it's because I care about that person and I'm building something with them. And everything else, you know, deprioritize, basically, and it's just like we can do things like that for ourselves, and that ripple of how we treat people, then changes everything, because then it changes the whole group, you know, family or friends or whatever work culture all around us, right? So it does change things in our small experience, maybe much quicker, hopefully in our large experience. Who knows could go either way at any point.
Right? True, but it's a good it's a good principle to date yourself. Yeah, and people who want more money should work on their relationship to resources. So a lot of times, people ask about money. They go to their astrologer, and they'll say, what I do for money. I just need money. And if it sounds so funny, but some you could see how karmas get tied up in weird ways. And I'm not joking so much of the time, people who have money problems have a weak second house, because it's okay your wallet, it's how you sustain yourself in life. Okay? It rules food like you eat to live, right? Your parents, they took care of you as a baby, presumably, or someone did. And so I'll say, you know, you have this and this and second house. You shouldn't smoke. Can't put smoke in your mouth. You can't drink alcohol. You shouldn't curse. You shouldn't gossip, you shouldn't eat meat. You know, it depends what planet is there, you'll decide what they should, you know, refrain from consuming. And you know, some I imagine if they weren't spiritual or open minded, they would think you're crazy to think like, how do I get money? By not gossiping? That's dumb. You go to work and get money, but it's not linear, and again, it's not black and white. Life has layers and it's nuanced. So exactly by watering your own garden, saying, I don't want to watch a horror film. I don't like scary movies. I don't like how they make me feel. I don't care if it's Halloween, I love you. You're still my friend. But we can watch another movie, or I'll see another time, like, That's it, you know? So you're like loving on yourself, you're loving on them. Everything's good, and it will bring in the type of love you want. But it doesn't have to be like, I join an app, I say I want this, and you better do it, or I'm going to pop off or something. Yeah, totally playful. More fun. It's such good advice,
and I really feel I don't know all the things I've been working on for this kind of end of year pocket of time, of looking at the energies and talking to Nancy, who comes on and tells us about the blue light beings, and talking to you about how the astrology all works, it's I see this opening, collectively happening, this expansion, this us not looking so linear and tunnel vision, but looking multi perspective. And I think that's part of what you're saying is like, No, we have to be willing to see all the potentials, all the perspectives, all the connectors, not just this linear. Oh, well, this only affects me like this, and then I'm done what I mean. So exactly like the planting this the tree, so your great grandchildren can enjoy the shade. You know, yes,
it's exactly, it's like, if you want money, just look at conveniences. Maybe a friend offers your ride to the airport. You didn't need $60 but you still got the ride. So that put put gratitude into that, and then talking about the blue light beings and all that, I think we are here to learn as best as we can for what works for us. But the thing too is, if you are closed off and only willing to learn from other people who are just like you. You're not gonna accelerate your life experience. And I know it sounds insane, but truly, I mean, I don't care how it sounds, because, like, I'm me, right? You could learn from people that are extraterrestrial or beings, yeah, you know. So I really feel like in the in the few in my lifetime, there will be open contact, like, I believe this, you know. And I think that the precious thing people who are hungry for information, who hunger to know that, why? Why? Because my whole life is about spirituality. I live and read this since I could remember, and I've always wanted to know. I jokingly say, like, I want to strip off the face of nature and stare at God, like, I want to know why I'm here. What are we doing? What's on your mind? What are we thinking? You know, that's
what a lot of people want to know, a lot, like a lot of us, too. And then when you
said blue light beings, I was like, That's my dream. Give me someone with a different perspective of, yeah, they don't have to physically not be here. I don't care if I get it in a dream. I don't care if it's feeling, if it's a download, if it's a knowing. But why would you disregard anything if it's beneficial to you? Right?
Well, yeah. And I think it's we limit it when we think, you know, we know, based on our planet, if we've lived here, I don't know past the age of seven, there's all these microcosms of dimensions. I mean, I think of when I was a kid, and the thing I wanted, like, so bad for a while was an ant farm, because I wanted to watch them work and how they cooperated, and where they would go and and even just looking at like the insect kingdom and then the plant kingdom and then the animal kingdom, we would It would be ridiculous. You know, given all the happenings different communities at all times that don't even realize each other exists, for us to not think that it goes exponential in the other way too, not just down into the microcosms of our planet, but up into other other stuff, even if we can't name that or know what it is right now, it's like, well, certainly more information, if we can get information, even from the tiniest insect, certainly it goes the other side of that spectrum too. Do you know exactly?
Yeah, even as a child, used to think like, Well, if God can make all of this, why stop here? Just so dumb and limited, like, obviously there's something. And they're like, well, we don't know that, because we don't not
know it either. Yeah,
they loved me in Catholic school. I'm sure you can, oh, you were, you were, and you know me a little bit too. So it's like, I mean, I have my questions. I was like, and back to this day one, let's Genesis. Let's talk about this, how they freaking hated me. Oh,
man, but again, you know, no offense, but a lot of people who are very faithful, I would say not faithful. Sorry, religious, yeah, don't even know how to interpret a lot of the things that they read. You have to almost read it with your subconscious, not your conscious mind, not literally, spiritually, has to be understood. But the thing about the other life forms, I remember thinking, the problem with that is, if you're looking for life, you're looking for life that is representative of the things you've already observed as a human being totally so you're only going to recognize like a humanoid or something that's a quadruped or by. Petal or something that it's like a fish, like, maybe it doesn't have a form, but it is a consciousness. You know, it's like, maybe it's the way. How would you explain to someone who's had never had senses, what the wind is? You'd be like, Well, you can't see it, but, yeah, feel it. They'd be like, You're making that up. That's crazy
around, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It's like the atom, right? They used to think like, oh my god, we got there. This is the smallest thing, and then till it opened, and then they're like, subatomic,
yes, the strangeness of charm, it can be seen, but its effects can be felt, and that makes up everything. So for people to think that it stops here is like, and honestly, the truth is quirkier and weirder than anything we could ever discuss. I mean, we do speak truth here, but, you know, people think like spiritual people get together and just like, are out of this. They're out of their minds. But really, science and physics, to me is, like, more mind bending than anything else. Oh yeah,
it's really I keep threatening to do like, this deep dive in my life for like, a whole side not to make money off it. But career of like, physics, because I'm just it's so fascinating to me, just the things they've already worked out that it's like, Yes, I could feel it in the energy, but I couldn't put science to it, you know. So it's so fascinating to listen to. I mean, we have so much access to so much information now, through all the magic of the internet. So it's a
great time to be alive. I am totally thankful I have the internet. I don't know what I would have done without the Internet. I love it,
and still, with all this information, we can't tell people do, x, y, z, stand in this line, collect your destiny and be on your way to happiness, right? Or
something like that. I mean, yeah, that's true. Well, they've got to just, if you want it, you'll get it. That's the way I see it, you know? Yeah, pizza, nothing stands in my way because I'm getting I'm getting carbs. That's the end
of it, you know? Or you might just accidentally invent a calzone.
You never know. They're even better. Yes, even better. You've given us a lot of great tools and a lot to think about today, and a lot of, I don't know, kind of perspective shifts to consider as we finish up 2024 and head towards 2025 I feel like buckle your seat belts. Do you have any guidance, advice, tools, techniques, anything for help? Monica, please.
I would say, Okay, so numerologically, 2024 is an eight year. So it's a lot of transformation, the unearthing of a lot of subconscious things that we've seen that I feel like a collective pain body has really erupted with a lot of events, you know, ending off 2023 a lot of upheaval, social conversations, Gender Wars, everything, like people just hating on each other, left, right and center. And we actually close off the year with a little more chaos, with a few Retrogrades. So yay indeed, because we need change. It's good, yeah. But I mean, I don't wish anyone pain or misfortune, but we're gonna keep perspective. You know that? I
mean, we know it's human nature to kind of try to lock into something we feel comfortable in and not want to change, even if change could potentially be better. So I think sometimes we do need these probably why it's structured this way, these upheavals, eclipses, to shake up that energy, to be like, Hey, get out of that comfort zone. You're not doing any good here. Exactly.
So exactly, this is one thing any debilitated planet, speaking of destiny in the north node will remedy itself over time and through wisdom and maturity. But the nodes, you kind of wrestle, you kind of grapple with your destiny. You grapple with faded things. So again, we're closing off the year. We had an eclipse in Pisces, September 17, and one in Libra, October the second Jupiter's retrograde. Saturn is retrograde. He'll go direct. November 14, Mars will retrograde first week of December, and then overlap with the Mercury Retrograde in December. So we're going to start 2025 a little sluggish, but a good time to review. So my advice is, if in your birth chart you have Jupiter, retrograde, Mars, whatever Mercury is naturally retrograde. There for you, that's your time to catch up. Like, let's say you applied for a progression and you're scared you're not going to get it. Those other people probably don't have those planets retrograding. But the one time that that planet goes retrograde and you have it retrograde motion, you can accelerate yourself so you can take your competition, so don't look at anything and be like, Oh my gosh, I'm so worried the big events really are gonna just start off the year strong. Late January, we have the notes changing signs from Aries and Libra to the North Node, entering Pisces and the South Node entering Virgo, and then, yeah, March 14, a total lunar eclipse in Virgo. So if you have any Virgo in your chart, or you are a mutable rising sign, or like an earth sign, rising sign, or moon sign, you're going to receive a lot of energy from that. So I think it's going to bring in Virgo is a healing sign. Kind. And we also have another one, um, I think March 3, 2026, as well. So there's going to be a little bit of cooling off and some something help us catch our breath before we hit the ground running again for another eclipse in September of Pisces. But, um, yeah, and Jupiter is going to come out of debilitation in June. He is currently in, okay, so he's in Gemini.
I know it sounds like maybe we wanna, if anyone can, kind of plan a little spaciousness in January, expect some delays, perhaps, is that? I mean, I feel like that's always probably good. I
think too, just naturally, there's never a better time. This did happen once. I don't even know how many years ago, maybe a decade. I don't remember less than a decade, but I remember thinking it was February, and I was like, Wow, a lot of stuff's retrograde. Then I thought, Well, that's good, because we need to, we need the first two months of the year just to recover from the holiday spending the frenzy of that time of the year. And I thought, let it if it's gonna happen, you don't want it happening when trying to enjoy your vacation in August, you know, in the debtor month, that's okay, but so that's coming up. And then collectively, like for the chart for the United States, it's really interesting, because it's a rising sign, Sagittarius, so it is going to feel those eclipses as well. And because I use whole sign systems. So Pisces is going to be in the fourth house, and the fourth house is going to give the people the home, so property. So you could look at changes in the real estate market or land itself, actual land. Okay, so another thing is something like agriculture, food prices, food quality, are going to be big themes, anything to do with flooding, water water conservation, or water borne diseases and infections as well, interesting. So that's going to come up because Pisces rules ocean. So if you live in coastal towns, or you're on the shores there, I would also say That's right, that is you. So that's going to be something because Rahu or the North Node going through Pisces with, yeah, the eclipses there, that can cause some upheaval. So one of the things you could find also the fourth is, like your heritage, and it can be your patriotism, your loyalty to your country. So, and the Rahu or the North Node is illusions. It's it rules fog and smoke. So actually, funnily enough, you know, like the United States shouldn't be a smoky country, like it shouldn't. I mean, if they did the 40s, and was it New Mexico, Arizona, where they tested some of the first like, atomic bombs, shouldn't have done that. I think, yeah, those places, if you have the North Node in the fourth house. You should not smoke. It will affect the lungs, so it can cause a lot of grief, you know. So it's like, it looks like a country that's kind of split, like, on the one hand, people are rejoicing and they're ecstatic, and on the other hand, people are sort of like, this stinks. I want out, you know, which is always so interesting. I was saying earlier, Americans are really an interesting thing. From the outside looking in, I would love to move to the States. I was like, what's wrong? I go to America right now, you know, and people like, stay Canada. I'll switch places. A
lot of great things about it. But it is very divided. It's divided so
that that seems to escalate. Another thing gonna be a lot of exciting things. So Mars, during Mars Retrograde, he's gonna go through Leo and then into cancer, which obviously, as we know the states, is cancer and the eighth house. So that can be a little bit tumultuous and interesting, and it can also transform things. And so one of the things that Mars in the eighth during a retrograde can do is cause an audit like to re look at things. So let's say, on a grand scale, I would say cross your t's and dot your i's when you submit your tax forms, you might get something back. You know, if you've been hiding from the government, you might get busted, for example, during the time. So that will run into the new year as well. But honestly, you
get your business right, whatever you Yeah, whatever you're doing, your paperwork, your documents, everything
on an individual level, on a mass level, we can see an overhaul of government structure as well. Now Mars also rules the militia, which is a little bit like and what happens is he's gonna make contact twice to the natal north node of the United States, which is quite confusing as well. And when Mars and the North Node get together in a person, they tend to have a lot of like, heat in their body, or their temperamental or, like, they explode easily, but as a combination for explosives. So we'll see, like, people can be really hot tempered, short tempered, you know, a bit more like, I mean, we've seen that in the vitriol in the past few years, just gone off the charts. I don't even know what I'm watching on TV anymore. People are just talking to talk, you know, but we can see stuff like that. So that kind of is a little bit concerning. But ironically, Mars also fixes things, though he breaks them. So engineering, for example, litigators, physicians, surgeons, okay, those are sort of very Mars as you. Form professions could be firefighter, paramedics, so those professions I'd keep an eye on, but also take it as a little bit like of an analogy, though, something will be broken, it will be prepared for something better. You know, you have to have a bit of faith, and that's just the process we were talking about this whole time. Like it's not straightforward, and you have to work towards that thing. You know,
that's our lives. We work at things. Something breaks down, yeah, we pivot work some more. Something else for the wheel falls off of our career. Something else happens. So
we just learn as we go along, really, yeah? But then 2027, we was very coming up very quickly. You know, you're going to have Eclipse cycles, and Aquarius and Leo and the States obviously has a moon in Aquarius. So the moon, again, is the public, the people. So there could be a huge population spike, or mass migration, or the public could be, I don't know, not distressed, because actually it's a combination for fame. So it could be popular. It could be on tabloids or talked about quite a lot, but that's interesting. And Rahu, or the North Node, gives foreigners. So I do think a lot of foreigners will be entering America as of this year, because the nodes are getting ready to move, and then it will continue to increase. And then the last thing I want to mention is a Venus retrograde in the house of children for the states. And the funny thing about that is, I think there will be some, I hope I'm correct, some overhaul of legislation and things like that regarding reproductive health, because the Fifth house is children and Venus. I know if everybody thinks like Venus's relationships, Venus is also cars, actually, Venus is swimming interesting, and Venus rules the sperm and the ovum. Okay, so she's in that house, and she's moving backwards. So I think people are going to reevaluate or reassess, like family planning on a personal level, and I think even on a great level, you know, like, Okay, what policies works? What do we want? You know, things like that. Because I also saw some articles like some every other day, it's like this country is experiencing the lowest birth rate ever, and they'll do anything but just pay people enough money to live, you know. So, I mean, I think
that's the magic.
I think there's a lot of people that would like to have more kids that just, yeah, yeah,
exactly. I think, I think maybe it's South Korea and Seoul, some corporations, because their birth rate is so low and they're so afraid that they're going to give you a lump sum of $100,000 to have a baby. And when I read that, I told my mom, I was like, well, it needs to be a 1.2 million, like, minimum, yeah, like 100,000 you can blow through in five minutes. It's not, you know, it takes a child, right? So I was like, if you started giving people a couple million bucks per kid? Now, I'm listening, you know, but I think the other thing
we know, it's proper child care and proper health care and, like, what about all these, what about these parts? Who's doing that? Yeah,
that's a thing. So a lot of this foreign involvement, I think, is going to erupt in the American public, in their psyche, they're going to say, Where's this money going? Why and what? I need, affordable daycare. I need gas I can afford to put in my car. Like, what do you want from me? You know? So, I know we've romanticized. Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. That's in times of, you know, less fortune, okay, on the day to day thing, the average person wants the security to know that they're have access to things like a job, employment, housing, medical care, etc, you know. And I thought
their kids are drinking clean water at school, like you little things,
no fluoride in the water, you know, I think that's gonna reach peak, and it's gonna climax, and people are gonna like, really be like, I've had it, because on every front everything I look at, whether it's food prices or enjoying my life or socializing, it's like, as soon as I step outside of my house, it's like, just, you know, those like things you tap, just boop, $100 just every time I leave my house, just $100 I don't even know what for, you know, it's crazy. Yeah, that's gonna kind of erupt. And I think it's erupt is a good word. It's gonna be a little bit like agitated and angry and a lot of things. So I'm hoping that all these Retrogrades cause this reevaluation, and that the power really goes to the people, which truly the moon in the third house signifies endurance and grit. Okay, I have moon in the third house, hence the grit. But it's people who are really good at self defense and kind of relentless when they don't get what they want. So if that's the symbol of the public for the United States, then I'm very hopeful that the power goes and what it was intended to do. It was intended to be a country ran by the people, for the people. You know, that's like, a little bit more egalitarian than I think some super capitalists want to hear, but there's a limit to,
I know, yeah, there's a limit to everything. Yeah, it could be a little bit more for the people.
Yeah, a little just, just calm,
you know, good, yeah. Like, you have great transit systems and roads that connect a lot of things, but the Miss. Pieces that gas price in the car, you know, car insurance, car notes, just everybody take things into perspective. But yes, I'm hoping that 2025, is a rebirth of better values that serve people better in your country and my country as well. I'm really hopeful. I'm forever hopeful, but there's only so much people can take. You know
well and I know, personally and just in what I hear around there are lots of people knocking on your Canadian border door there say, saying, Let us in. So we
have had massive boost of mass influx of people coming over during COVID. And interesting enough for the first time in Canadian history. We also had the mess, the biggest recorded exodus of Canadians, wow, to their countries of heritage, because it's just interesting. It's so expensive, the housing and we're heavily taxed as well. People don't actually, until they come people don't realize how expensive it actually is to live here, you know? So housing, food, job market is like, non existent. It's like, crazy, you know? So, um, yeah, people just kind of fed up. And they're like, Well, my parents migrated here from wherever. I don't speak the language, but I'll take my chances. They get their little visa or citizenship and they peace out. So I can't blame anyone, you know. And, yeah, yeah, it's, it's crazy. Oh, yeah. Oh my god. Also another thing, speaking of Canada, because I just read the statistic crime here has never been like what it is now. And I was thinking that too, with Mars retrograding as well, that's another thing law enforcement, I think they're going to maybe revise. If they're not going to make a lot of arrests, they might revise. I'm hopeful they revise the prison system and do better, like legally and the justice system, etc. But I mean, what can you do if your country is in peril and crime is on the rise, you have to counteract it somehow, you know. But at the end of the day, it's like, cool heads prevail. Okay? I'm not saying that because I'm spiritual and people like that's just a woman thing to say. I'm not saying because I'm female. I'm saying it because it's true. Okay, you can't fight fire with fire. Looking at statistics all day, God knows who wrote them or where they came from
very Bruce Lee thing to say actually is cooler handles for Bill. I feel like he's Yeah. I feel like he's very like, yeah. And it is the only way forward. I know we are always supposed to be moving into this Aquarian Age. So it is the way to be considering the people more right. Is like you have to be calm and think it through and
spread rush decisions. Yeah, exactly what if that was your mission, is to fall in love with humanity, fall in love with love, and be this like beacon, or be so infectiously loving that people can't help but reflect it back to you and you cause and effect change in your world. You know, why not choose that that sounds way more hardcore and punk rock to me, which this is probably not very punk rock thing to do, but it
is now. It is kind of against the grain now, and maybe that's part of what we look at in our individual lives, kind of as we close out the years, like, Are there isn't there just one act of love or kindness we could squeeze into each day, even if it's a small, you know, something small some days, maybe something bigger other days. But if everyone did just one little thing every day, please? No,
I'm getting you just, just one, yeah, just Yeah. And it, turn it into a game. Start with one, turn it into a game, and see how far you can take it for that day. And then, before you know it, you'll be living the life of your dreams Pretty much,
yeah. And I'm, as you know, because you, you deeply know my chart, I love a game. So, like, maybe that's how you're earning your expensive coffee that you want to get for yourself on the way to work. Maybe you, oh, did I get my seven, my seven love points for the week? Okay, I'm get, you know, who knows? And get real creative with it, save some time.
Was your time? Yeah,
you know that happened this morning. I was like, Oh, I have to talk to talk to joy later, because I screwed up the time, as you know. And I was like, I can't. I only had less than an hour to get ready. I have long hair. And I was like, Yeah, well, I can't disrespect this woman by not washing my hair the Wednesday's hair washing day, right? And I was like, No, I'm doing it for me. I'm gonna wash my hair. So I just ran and then it turned out I had all day. But you see, it's a good thing, because then I liberated myself to spend my time however I liked, until I got to hang out with you. So it sounds like stupid things. You know, somebody's out there thinking, What a moron. She just washed her hair, but you never know for know what it
could do. Well, even though, I mean, it's
a great point, even it's kind of what we've been talking about, even those small tweaks of realizing, like, why am I doing this this way? Or how do I feel about this? Hang on. Let me just process this a little bit. We get into these grains of just doing, doing, doing, you know, and we don't think about, oh, what? What could I think about this time that I've just gained? I could if you're noticing you're in a negative mood and seeing things negatively, often, it's like, oh, could I see this hour that I have now in a different way, just starting to even question ourselves in that way, I think can start, start that ball of change. Maybe
true. You know, they say, um, like Abraham Hicks says that a lot, and we're talking about discernment when you're clubbing or whatever. And they'll say, well, this person, like they were so good on paper, how could they be terrible? And I'm thinking. So okay, well, if discernment isn't working for you, I always say what Abraham Hicks says. They say you'll know it by the way that it feels. So that's it. If you're if you're having negative thoughts, you're having a bad day, how does that feel to you? Catch yourself and feel like I don't prefer that, so I'm not going to think about it obsessively. I'm gonna take a breather. When I come back, I'll figure it out, or we'll figure itself out. But you have to honor and respect how you make yourself feel. Because, again, like the poison analogy. Yeah, a person can insult you and walk away. It's like a drive by insult. It's just like the coldest thing ever. But if you sit there dwelling on it the rest of the day, they really did poison you against yourself. So don't let anything like that. The events outside of yourself, whether they're massive, like you have an election, whether they're global, whether they're in your city, you don't need that in your consciousness. You honestly don't need it in your spirit. Okay? You don't need it in your spirit. And I think we over hype. What do they call it? It's not literacy. They're like, informed. We over hype being informed. I'm like, informed about what gross statistics, brutality, violence, like, why? Who wants to read that before they go to bed and you want or you don't wake up happy and you're in tears every morning. Give it a rest. Just pump the brakes a little. Maybe save it for the Saturday morning. The big papers, they used to have Saturday mornings with the they were like, Oh yeah, yeah. Just maybe once a week, just like, trauma dump from the news, oh yeah, and then yeah about other
things. If you're bored, there's lots of wonderful things to learn about. Yeah, feel traumatic
Exactly. If you're intent on being informed just once a week, just scroll or whatever, and then give yourself a break and rest
well. Thank you for being here. You've given us a lot to look forward to. A lot of great advice. I feel like I'm always referring people to you, but tell the people where they can find you. And of course, we'll have everything linked in the show notes.
Thank you. Guru, grit.com I'll be there. I offer astrology readings, of course, and they come in different formats. It could be like a single question, a horary question. Birth Chart is the most popular the whole chart. And the last time I wanted your show, I had I told you the loveliest people came to see if you're watching. I love you. Thank you so much. They were so nice to me. And I was like, you're very these people are really nice. They talk to me like I'm a human being. It's really great. So from a little corner of the
world over here, very gracious
people, truly good.
I'm glad everyone's treating you well.
They have truly and I'm in touch with some of them still. So thank you so much for that. Going a year strong, and since doing your podcast this time last, I think was October live, yeah, actually,
I was gonna tell people, make sure you check out the first episode, which was episode 41 released in September 2023. Are your stars aligned astrology secrets you need to know with Monica at Guru Granth, so
Well, thank you. And I had such a good experience, I thought I want to spread love and pump goodness into your show and the people who came to me, so I made a discount code and little fun, okay, for your name, so it's gonna be joy G is the key. Okay, so Joy G will be a 30% off for the chart reading, for the birth chart reading. So if anyone's interested, that would be nice. I just want to say thank you. And my
gosh, that's so generous. 30% Wow. I am going to link that in the show notes. So I'm writing it down. It's all one word, Joy. G is the key. All one word, and that's on the website guru, grit.com so everything was linked in the show notes. If you're like me and have a hard time remembering things like this, just go into the show notes and it will be there. And Monica reads for me and lots of people that I know, and I can't say enough about you and the like, the depth of information that you give is fantastic. So thank
you. It helps to be to you, okay, because nothing goes unnoticed, I will find it,
and you just marinate in information and learning and scholarly knowledge. So it's amazing. Thank
you so much. I hope that it is noticed one day by my future employers, amen, so
we'll see. I wish all those things for you well. Thank you for being here and shining your light.
Thank you likewise.
Well, what did you think of that conversation? Were you a little bit surprised about the positioning of destiny and luck and karma and all that comes with it? Are you surprised about the Free Will elements of it? I have to tell you in my work, I'm not at these at this point, I realize we have so much free will in the way that we use whatever gifts and skills and abilities and limitations that we come into this existence with. But I love that through astrology, we can learn a little bit more about ourselves and our potentials and how we can better use our free will to move ourselves towards what is fulfilling to us in this lifetime. I'm so curious your thoughts about this episode. You can leave them in the comments wherever you're watching this. You can email me if you want to about it. I always love hearing your feedback. And as we close out 2024 and move close. 2025 I just really wanted to have lots of different opinions and conversations about these ideas of what's destined for us, what's in our control. I use that word very loosely. What do we have the ability to add free will to to alchemize into something else? Is maybe a better way to say it, than control. And what does that look like as it relates to the study of astrology, right? So I hope this conversation was eye opening. I hope you had a great time with me and Monica. I am ever grateful for her spending time with us and sharing her wisdom and her light with us. She is an incredible soul. Again, everything's in the show notes, but you can find her on socials at guru grit, and her website is Guru, grit.com don't sleep on that 30% code that is so generous. I was even shocked and surprised, and was like, Oh my gosh, Monica, you don't have to do this. But she, I think she even mentioned in the episode, everyone that comes to her through this podcast has been incredibly lovely and wonderful individuals. So she wanted to do something special as a thank you for us. So if you've been wondering about your own destiny or wanting more information into your own chart, Monica is a wonderful resource for that. And make sure you get that code. Check out the show notes. So wherever you are when you're listening to this and whatever time of the year is, just know that I am wishing you lots of luck, lots of love and the ability to use your free will as you see fit, Big hugs. Lots of love. Bye for now from inside Spirit Speakeasy.